- Mindfulness Meditation Groups Near Me December 12, 2017 Having and keeping up a reflection practice can change your life, something about setting aside the ideal opportunity for thoughtfulness is liberating.
- Suite 103 Queen Creek, AZ 85142. Tel: 480.294.4337. Email: zenlifehealing@gmail.com.
- Sangha Jewel Zen Center is a group of Zen Buddhist practitioners based in Oregon, USA. Join us and learn about this ancient wisdom. We offer an enduring sanctuary for cultivating a clear, quiet mind and a grounded, open-hearted way of life.
Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA. The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California offers visitors 120 acres.
Sangha Jewel Zen Center is a group of Zen Buddhist practitioners based in Oregon, USA. Join us and learn about this ancient wisdom. We offer an enduring sanctuary for cultivating a clear, quiet mind and a grounded, open-hearted way of life.
2935 N.W. Circle Blvd. • Corvallis, OR 97330 • U.S.A.
Guiding Teacher: Abby Mushin Terris • Temple Manager: Pam Ontetsu Muir—1-541-231-9352 • Contact us
Practice Schedule This Week
April 24 – 30, 2021
[Click anywhere in this column and it will take you to the calendar page.]
Workdays at Sangha Jewel–The garden needs our loving attention for the next few months during the growing season. We will be working Friday mornings 9:30 a.m.-noon, weekly,for the foreseeable future: planting, weeding, watering, mulching and fertilizing. Please join us in creating a garden sanctuary for all to enjoy as we move closer to being together again at Sangha Jewel.
Google Drive Presentation –On Sunday, April 25, from 10:00-11:00 in the morning, Junyo Good and Irene Schoppy will offer an overview of the ways our Sangha uses Google Drive to organize and store files and folders. If you are unsure how to use our Google Drive and applications and would like to know, please join us for this presentation, followed by a Q & A period.
The Full Moon Metta Ceremony takes place this Monday eveningfrom 6:30-8:00 p.m. We will practice with releasing fears and anxieties, cultivating loving-kindness and goodwill for ourselves and all beings. All are welcome!
Memorial for Jim Gouveia – On Saturday, May 1, at 2 p.m., we’ll be meeting (masked and distanced) in the memorial garden to dedicate the crepe myrtle that we planted this winter to Jim Gouveia, a dear friend, long time sangha member and dedicated gardener.
Summer Book Club— For this summer’s Book Club we‘ll be reading My Grandmother’s Handsby Resmaa Menakem.
Our local bookseller Grass Roots has copies (ask at the desk and receive a discount). They are also available at the public library and in the SJZC library. The Book Club will meet Tuesdays during the time set aside for Dharma discussion, 6:30-8:00 p.m., beginning on June 15.
Have Questions? Contact Ontetsu at hello@corvalliszencircle.com
Visit our Calendar page and click on event links for more details:
The weekly newsletter is the source for all important news as well as upcoming events and other information of interest.
We depend on our members for financial support of our current programs and for gathering the financial resources to build our permanent home at Sangha Jewel Zen Center.
Orientation to Zen Practice
Thisis offered at 10 a.m. every first Sunday of the month. If you are new to meditation or to practice with Sangha Jewel Zen Center, Orientation is recommended and strongly encouraged.
Registration and information for May 2nd Orientation
Your financial support funds our current programs, and supports us in this time of reduced income due to the pandemic. Please consider donating by visiting our donation page or by clicking on the Dana Bowl below: Visual studio code mac format xml.
Thank you. 🙏
Sundays — 4:00-6:20 pm. Sanzen
20-minute Zoom sessions for members to meet with Mushin for practice support.
Regularly checking in with the teacher about your practice can be invaluable as you settle ever more deeply into cultivating the Buddha Way. Benefits from sanzen include clarifying habits and beliefs and misunder-standings about practice, as well as receiving support in bringing the tools of practice to your own, unique life circumstances and varying motivation.
Announcements & Events
At this time meetings, services and sesshins are running smoothly on Zoom, so stay tuned for more calendar updates.
Click here to learn more about Zoom.us, using their tutorials: Zoom.us tutorials>>
Our Mission:
To inspire, encourage and support the spiritual lives of our mid-Willamette community by sustaining vibrant and active lay Zen practice and studying how the Buddha’s teachings can help us live committed and compassionate lives. We make this practice available to all who are seeking it.
Sangha Jewel Zen Center
Our weekly programs and many special events take place at Sangha Jewel Zen Center in Corvallis. The creation of our permanent home has been thanks to the tremendous effort and generosity of our members, volunteers, and community members.
Located in Fort Myers, Florida,the Rissho Kosei-kai Dharma Center of Fort Myers provides a place for meditation and spiritual growth through the study and practice of Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist principles. We sharing Ekayana Buddhism focusing on the Lotus Sutra.
The path of Buddhism is inclusive and available to all. We welcome you to join us in our sangha. We are open Sundays 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Rissho Kosei-kai was founded in 1938, combining traditional Buddhist teachings with everyday application, to help bring peace, harmony, and happiness to the world.
Through these teachings, we are able to recognize the buddha-nature in ourselves and others. We support each other and our community in the development of awareness, compassion and peace. Memphis font free download mac.
Together at our dharma center, we discover and celebrate spiritual growth. We share our experiences with each others to build a bond of integrity and strength within our sangha community. Through increased awareness and learning to live in the moment, we have the chance to gain wisdom and compassion for ourselves and others. We carry this practice of positive approach to the larger world in our daily lives.
When a stone is cast into water, ripples extend far beyond detection. And likewise, the effects of our actions often reverberate further than we realize.