Memoir 1. Installation view, Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2020
Memoir 1. Installation view, Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2020
Memoir 1. Installation view, Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2020
Memoir 1. Installation view, Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2020
Memoir 1. Installation view, Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2020
Rabbit Lane: Memoir of a Country Road tells the story of a humble country dirt road, of its human history, of its natural beauty, and of its ability to bring insight, understanding, transformation, and healing to those who mindfully walk it.
Regular hours
- Saturday
- 11:00 – 18:00
- Tuesday
- 11:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday
- 11:00 – 18:00
- Thursday
- 11:00 – 18:00
- Friday
- 11:00 – 18:00
- Kate Braverman is a poet and experimental writer of a singular and ruthless breed. She is author of four books of poetry, the novels: Lithium for Medea, Palm Latitudes, Wonders of the West, and The Incantation of Frida K.Her Graywolf Prize for Creative Non-Fiction award winning memoir, Frantic Transmissions to and from Los Angeles: An Accidental Memoir was published in Feb.
- Rabbit is an unflinching memoir of cinematic scope and unexpected humor. With wisdom and humor, Pat gives us a rare glimpse of what it’s really like to be a black mom in America. Praise For Rabbit: A Memoir “ Rabbit tells how it went down with brutal honesty and outrageous humor in unexpected places.”.
- Rabbit Lane: Memoir of a Country Road. Rabbit Lane tells the story of a humble country dirt road, of its human history, of its natural beauty, and of its ability to bring insight and healing.
- 6830 Santa Monica Blvd.
- 90038
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closeRabbit A Memoir Summary
Steve Turner is pleased to present Memoir 1, a solo exhibition of new paintings and drawings by Brittany Tucker, a New York-based artist who has been working in Vienna during 2020. As with past works, Tucker continues to juxtapose realistic self-portraits with cartoonish figures meant to represent whiteness. However in Memoir 1, she has added a new colorful element and has created a group of drawings which shed even more light on her thoughts and feelings. They are more raw than the paintings. In presenting them, it is as though Tucker is sharing her private diary. Uniting all the works is the sense of shame and guilt that black women deal with in America by trying to fit into a society that often shuts them out. According to Tucker, “the cartoon figure is a shame monster that’s always there but never fully present.”
Rabbit Memoir Book
Brittany Tucker (b. 1996, Brooklyn) received a BA at Bard College (2018). She has had solo exhibitions at Steve Turner, Los Angeles (2019) and SPRING/BREAK, New York (2019, presented by Four-D Projects). Tucker also recently presented works at Untitled, Miami Beach (2019, with Steve Turner) and at CFHILL, Stockholm (2020).
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