Try these 4 moves for 2 minutes each to tighten and tone your arms:
And while strong arms help you power up hills whether you’re running or walking, they’re often overlooked. However, it doesn’t take long to strengthen and tone your upper body — the following routine takes roughly 8 minutes to complete. Begin with regular static hold planks, from a familiar push-up type position. Engage your core, contract your shoulders and arms with a straight back for as long as you can. Slowly build up your time under tension. Once you can hold a regular plank for more than 1 minute, consider trying some of these more challenging variations. A 10 minute arms workout to tone that upper body! There is no equipment needed, and you can do this workout anywhere!⭐️SHOP MY COOKBOOKS! 100+ RECIPES: https. CFIT Mini: 8 Minute Arms 2/11/21. From CFIT-Fitness Premium. Grab 1-2lb hand weights and get through each timed increment! TONED Arms in 8 Minutes. Let’s sweat and get toned arms in 8 simple but effective moves! This is my go-to routine to sculpt those arms in time for tank top season. This circuit is perfect for a quick but targeted workout. Let’s do this together!
(Repeat for 2 minutes, 1 minute on each leg)
How to do it:
- Stand with dumbbells in each hand in hammerhead position, with palms facing each other.
- Step out to the right side, with a wide stance. Bend the right leg and lower your hips down as you keep the left leg straight out to the side, feeling a slight stretch in the left inner thigh.
- Pressing off the right foot, keeping your core engaged, push yourself back up to standing.
As you return to standing, curl the weights up toward your shoulders, squeezing the muscles on the front of the arms for a bicep curl.
(Repeat for 2 minutes)
8 Minute Arms Workout Video
How to do it:
- Standing with a weight in each hand, put your weight on one leg, leaving the other leg slightly bent behind you for stability.
- Keeping your core engaged, back flat and chest forward, slowly lower the upper body down toward the floor, lowering the weights toward your shins. Keep your core tight and back flat throughout the movement. Feel a stretch in your glutes and hamstrings as your upper body is parallel to the floor.
- As you lower your torso toward the floor, do a row with the dumbbells: Squeezing your shoulder blades together, bring the weights up and back until your arms form a 90-degree angle, keeping the weights near your ribcage.
- As you come back to standing, extend your arms and lift behind you to engage your triceps.
(repeat for 2 minutes, 1 minute on each side)

- Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand, shifting your weight to your left foot, left foot still touching the floor for balance.
- Feel your belly button pulled in toward the spine as you squat down, keeping your weight in your left heel. Put about 80% of your weight in your left foot, and don’t let the knee just out past your toes as you sink down into your hips. Keep your shoulders down and back over your hips, neck long, eyes up.
- As you press your left heel into the ground to push yourself back up to standing, do a lateral lift with the left hand, raising that dumbbell straight out to the side, stopping at shoulder height.
(repeat for 2 minutes)
How to do it:
- Holding a dumbbell in each hand, start with a squat: Engage your core as you slowly lower the hips toward the floor as if you’re sitting back into a chair. Sink down low, forming a 90-degree angle with your lower body and the floor, but make sure your knees never jut forward past your toes. Keep your weight in your heels, shoulders down and relaxed, chest up, and eyes forward.
- As you push back up to standing, do a bicep curl, bringing both weights up toward your shoulders. Be sure to feel a squeeze in the front of the arm to make sure you’re getting the most out of the move.
- At the top of your bicep curl, rotate the dumbbells until your palms face forward. Then push the weights up into an overhead press.
Read the Labels and See the Difference! Go to any health food store and you’ll see – there are a lot of protein powders out there! Even if you try to read the labels, it can be tough to navigate through the long list of unfamiliar ingredients. Here’s what I look for in a quality protein:
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If the protein powder you’re using doesn’t have these characteristics, it’s a waste of time and money!
© Photo: W+G Creative equipment-free arm workoutNo matter what your activity level is, everyone can benefit from strengthening their upper body. With strong arms and shoulders, everyday movements like carrying a heavy purse or having proper posture while working are much easier. And this equipment-free arm workout, which comes to you from trainer Ashley Joi as part of our 2021 ReNew Year Movement Program, will help you do both those things..and more.
The eight-minute series will work every part of your upper body, sans weights, which means you can do it anywhere, any time (though, there's no time like the present!). You'll cycle through all of the essentials, including planks, jumping jacks, and everyone's quarantine favorite: push-ups. And if that sounds a little intimidating? Not to worry. “If you’re afraid of push-ups,” Joi says, “Training with me, you’re going to be able to do them by the end of this!” Here's to facing your fitness fears in 2021. Now let's get started.
Try this 8-minute upper-body workout
1. Jumping jacks with overhead press: This move will get your heart rate up to have you feeling warm in no time. Start by hopping your feet in and out, like a regular jumping jack, and reach your arms up to the sky as you hop out and back down to your chest on the way in. If you have a light or medium weight, feel free to grab it for your overhead press for an extra challenge, but you'll still get a solid burn without one.
2. Plank up-downs: Set up in a classic high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet back behind you, core tight. Next, come down to your forearms one arm and a time, then back to your hands one arm at a time. To give yourself some extra stability, bring your knees to the ground.

3. Bear shoulder taps: Get ready to say hello to those shoulder muscles. Come into a bear plank by starting on all fours and hovering your knees slightly over the ground. Then, fire up your upper body by bringing one hand to tap the opposite shoulder, alternating one side at a time. Engage your core to prevent your body from swaying back and forth as you move.
Video: Tone your legs with this simple routine (TODAY)
4. Supermans: If you ever wanted to feel like a superhero and work out your back at the same time, this move is for you. And, bonus, it helps to improve your posture. Lay on your stomach with your arms and legs outstretched, like a starfish, and bring your head, arm, and legs off the floor. Squeeze your back-body at the top of the move, and hold for a few seconds before coming back down to the floor.
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5. Push-up to renegade row with extension: Yup—it's push-up time. Either on your feet or knees, place your hands on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders. Engage your core (think about keeping a straight line from your head to your toes or your knees the same way you would in a plank), bring your body down to the ground, and push yourself back up. Once you're in the “up” position, raise one hand off the ground to bring your elbow parallel to your chest, and extend your hand back behind you. Switch sides. If you’re looking to level up this move, grab a weight for your renegade row.
8 Minute Arms Video
6. Crab toe touches: This is another move that will feel great if you spend a lot of time hunched over a computer. Sitting on your butt, place your hands behind you, your feet bent out in front of you, and alternate coming up to tap your hand to opposite toe. You should feel a nice stretch in your chest.
7. Eccentric push-ups: Fear of push-ups, be gone! Now that you’ve already had a chance to master your push-up form, you’re going to hit a classic push-up with one slight change. Instead of going up and down at the same pace, this move requires you to lower your body to the ground in three slow counts, then push yourself back up with one. If this move is too intense for your shoulders, take a break in child’s pose, then challenge yourself to one more rep.
8 Minute Arms Youtube
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