Largest Atom

So if you combine these two trends, it suggests that the largest atom is in the last row of the first column. Of course when you get towards the end of the periodic table, things get more complicated. Related: Photos: The world's largest atom smasher. One size too small. We have four fundamental forces of nature (at least, that we know about so far): electromagnetism, strong force, weak force. The elements with the largest atomic radii are located towards the left and bottom of the periodic table (i.e. At the bottom of Group 1). Thus, in theory, the largest atom should be Francium.

  1. Largest Atom In The World

You probably meant here “which elements are the largest atoms”, meaning which elements have the largest atomic radius. The elements with the largest atomic radii are located towards the left and bottom of the periodic table (i.e. At the bottom of Group 1). Cisco anyconnect 4.7 download free for windows 10. Thus, in theory, the largest atom should be Francium. Originally posted by Dan B I think technically the largest atom will be a neutron star Clever! That would make the largest atom about 12km across then, although I'm not sure that a neutron star entirely fits the criteria of an atom in our present sense of the word.

Of the following, which atom has the largest atomic radius?A) Cl B) Br C) Na D) K

1 Answer

Ezcap video grabber mac download. The answer is D)potassium.

For neutral atoms, the periodic trends in atomic size can be described like this

  • Atomic sizedecreaseswhen going from left to right across a period;
  • Atomic sizeincreaseswhen going from top to bottom down a group.

Let's use these trends to try and figure out which atom would have the largest radius.

If you look at elements that are located in the same group, potassium will have a larger atomic radius when compared with sodium. Likewise, bromine will have a larger atomic radius when compared with chlorine.

Now focus on potassium and bromine. Since potassium is located at the start of period 3, and bromine at the end of the same period, potassium will have a larger atomic radius than bromine, and thus the largest atomic radius of the four given atoms.

You can confirm the answer by looking at an atomic radius table like this one

Largest atomic radiusSmallest atomic radius

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